The .htaccess file allows us to make configuration changes on a per directory basis., it loads every time a document is requested.
According to the Apache manual, in general, you should never use .htaccess files unless of course, you don't have access to the main server configuration file. The main reason not to use its performance. Apache will look in every directory for the .htaccess file. This search will produce a hit whether or not the file exist. Furthermore, apache will search until the root node for .htaccess files on each HTTP request, so calling /a/b/c/.htaccess means calling /a/b/.htaccess, /a/.htaccess and /.htaccess.
Assuming that you do have access to the configuration files do set the directive AllowOverride to None, this will only load once at Apache start (restart).
For those of you using shared hosting providers, note that this setting can be done only for your domain. If you are told otherwise by the provider, it’s a good time to search for another.
However, if you still want to go ahead and use .htaccess file please do, note that its default name can be changed with the directive AccessFilename, example:
AccessFilename .newName
In sum, if we can avoid hard drive reads for each request by placing the same configuration in a virtual host in the apache configuration, then why not? Even the manual tells us to do it
15 September 2010
10 September 2010
Apache mod_rewrite and hotlink protection
Hot link protection it's tecnic to prevent other websites from using your resources like images, videos or scripts.
Hot link example:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
If this bit of code was placed in the domain than the request for the jquery.js file would be done to This leads to bandwidth costs for and bandwidth savings from the domain.
Hot link example:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
If this bit of code was placed in the domain than the request for the jquery.js file would be done to This leads to bandwidth costs for and bandwidth savings from the domain.
Another advantage of using other websites resources is caching. If the script file already exists in the user computer, because he previously visited, than the file won't have to be downloaded, its ready to be used, bringing speed to the user experience, (extra points for your website). Aware of this, Google for example, allows us to hot link to some JavaScript libraries. The more websites using those libraries, the better.
But coming back to the prevention part. Mod_rewrite is a module for the Apache web server which is normally part of the default installation. It can be set in either in the virtual host configuration or .htaccess (be sure to read my post regarding the usage cost of .htaccess).
RewriteEngine on
After enabling it, you can create entries for the web sites you wish to exclude from accessing your resources.
Lets stop domain from hot linking:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://([^.]+\.)? [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ /stophotlinkingme.gif [NC,L]
In the RewriteCond directive we tell apache witch website we whan to apply the rule to and in the RewriteRule part, we redirect any requests for .gif, .jpg and .png files from the domain to an image called 'stophotlinkingme.gif'.
A final thought!!!
But coming back to the prevention part. Mod_rewrite is a module for the Apache web server which is normally part of the default installation. It can be set in either in the virtual host configuration or .htaccess (be sure to read my post regarding the usage cost of .htaccess).
RewriteEngine on
After enabling it, you can create entries for the web sites you wish to exclude from accessing your resources.
Lets stop domain from hot linking:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://([^.]+\.)? [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ /stophotlinkingme.gif [NC,L]
In the RewriteCond directive we tell apache witch website we whan to apply the rule to and in the RewriteRule part, we redirect any requests for .gif, .jpg and .png files from the domain to an image called 'stophotlinkingme.gif'.
A final thought!!!
You could take advantage of the hot link, instead of stophotlinkingme.gif you could place a promotional image (payback time).
You can read more Google libraries in:
09 September 2010
Apache changing index.html to customized.html
Using Apache mod_dir we can define a different default page for a website. Its also possible to change under the server the default for all websites with mod_autoindex which is the responsible for the automatic index generation.
When we type a web address, for example, we don't specify which page we want, so Apache will look for the resources specified in the DirectoryIndex directive
We can specify more than one default name and the server will sent the first one it finds. In case the server doesn't find any of the defaults it will generate the listing of the directory.
Example of alternative indexes:
DirectoryIndex index.php welcome.php welcome.html andreferreira.html
02 September 2010
Apache and automatic redirection
Say we need to rename one of our files but the page has a lot of incoming links from third party websites. We don't want to loose that traffic and sent a 404 error page to the user. One way to solve it is to use Apache redirection from the old URL path to the new file. The new URL for the request file (page, image, resource) is returned to the client which will attempt to fetch the page again using the new address. The redirection can be achieved either in the .htacess file or in the virtual host in Apache using mod_alias.
To rename a file, we use its absolute file system path and the old URL next. Example for a Linux machine:
Redirect /location/from/root/file.ext also allows us to rename folders:
Redirect /oldir
If we want to make the redirect permanent:
Redirect permanent /oldir
This will send a HTTP status of 301 telling the client (browser) that the resource has moved for good.
Redirect permanent /oldir
This will send a HTTP status of 301 telling the client (browser) that the resource has moved for good.
By default, the status is 302, but temp can be used, it makes it more readable for us once we have a lot of redirects.
If we removed a resource for good and we won't replace it nor do we wish to sent the user to a specific page, we use the status gone. The HTTP stauts 410 will be sent indicating the resourse has been removed.
If we replaced a resource for another, say we upgrade a library file which contains the version in the name, and we don't want to keep the older version available online, we can sent the See Other status that will indicate that the resource has been replaced.
We can also use Apache mod_rewrite to atchive the redirects.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /.* [R]
This would redirect any request to the server to a new website, or to the root of the website if the domain was
01 September 2010
Apache custom error pages (ErrorDocument)
Mostly neglected, the custom error pages from Apache don't offer much. They inform the user that a error occurred and that's it. We can use them for that purpose but improve the global user’s website experience that the default error pages offer.
Either in the virtual host configuration file or in .htaccess we can change the defaults to whatever combination of folder and file we desire.
Virtual host configuration example:
<Directory /www/example>
ErrorDocument 401 /errors/authorizationRequired.html
ErrorDocument 403 “Today you can’t come in, try tomorrow”
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html
ErrorDocument 500
Normally when the user was already browsing the website and gets a error page, he clicks the browser back button. However, if he just got in to the website and the first page he gets its a error page, if he clicks the back button he leaves the website. So changing this 404 example:
<Directory /www/example>
ErrorDocument 401 /errors/authorizationRequired.html
ErrorDocument 403 “Today you can’t come in, try tomorrow”
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html
ErrorDocument 500
Normally when the user was already browsing the website and gets a error page, he clicks the browser back button. However, if he just got in to the website and the first page he gets its a error page, if he clicks the back button he leaves the website. So changing this 404 example:
<h2>Not Found</h2>
<h3>The requested URL /example.html was not found on this server.</h3>
<h2>The page you are looking for doesn’t seem to exit anymore</h2>
<h3>Please use the search button to try and find the content you are looking for</h3>
< !- - And this play the search form here - - ><div>
will improve the users experience and might just keep them on the website. A simple change!
The Apache manual calls your attention to several bits of relevant and important information regarding this changes, so be sure to read it here.
<h3>The requested URL /example.html was not found on this server.</h3>
<h2>The page you are looking for doesn’t seem to exit anymore</h2>
<h3>Please use the search button to try and find the content you are looking for</h3>
< !- - And this play the search form here - - ><div>
will improve the users experience and might just keep them on the website. A simple change!
The Apache manual calls your attention to several bits of relevant and important information regarding this changes, so be sure to read it here.
05 August 2010
Apache and bloquing IP address
Its always good and required to keep a close eye in the logs too see what's going on, who has accessed the website, what did they saw, etc. The metrics we can retrieve from the logs allow us to measure a lot of things and apply changes where required. It also allows us to identify potential IP address that are abusing the website.
Making usage of Apache mod_access we can block IP addresses from accessing the website.
deny from
To deny access to everyone, you can use
deny from all
deny from
Remember that every time a user connects to the Internet the ISP (internet service providers) we give him a IP on the range of IPS assigned to them.
01 August 2010
Apache and cache improvements
Apache allows us to improve the caching of our resources. We need mod_expires and mod_headers. They must be loaded in (where?)
LoadModule expires_module libexec/
LoadModule hearders_module libexec/
AddModule mod_expires.c
AddModule mod_headers.c
AddModule mod_gzip.c
Note that mod_gzip must be loaded last.
AddModule mod_headers.c
AddModule mod_gzip.c
Note that mod_gzip must be loaded last.
To turn on mod_expires set:
ExpiresActive On
Then on the root directory:
AllowOverride none
Order allow, deny
Allow from all
ExpiresDefault A300
# Not rely on file extensions
ExpireActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 300 seconds"
Options FollowSymLunks Multiviews
AllowOverride All
Order allow, deny
Allow from all
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 day"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 day"
ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 day"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 1 day"
# We can minimize the response sent by setting
ServerTokens Min
Our images are now cachable for 30 days. However the HTML file does not have a Last-Modified header. This is because we use conditional server-side includes to merge in different CSS for different browsers to save a HTTP request. We'll address the cachability of SSI pages in a future tweak.
# The HTML file does not have a Last-Modified header. This is because we use
# conditional server-side includes to merge in different CSS for different
# browsers to save a HTTP request. We'll address the cachability of SSI pages in a future tweak.
Apache password protection
# Password protecting
# the .htpasswd has: username:passowrd
# the password is encripted, to create a password use htpasswd utility that comes
# with apache (bin directory), Usage:
# htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords username
# For this to work, AllowOverride directive needs AuthConfig (AllowOverride AuthConfig)
# Not to ask the for the password in diferent directories, keep the realm the same
AuthName "Section Name - Password dialogo box text - and realm"
# Basic is supplied by mod_auth, and the password is sent unencrypted between browser
# and server, AuthType Digest is implement by mod_auth_digest and is more secure
# Only most recent versions of clients and know to support Digest authentication
AuthType Basic
# This file should be place somewhere not accessible from the web (cant be download)
# If large number of users exists, this can become quite slow, Apache has the ability
# to store user information in fast databases, check mod_auth_dbm
AuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpasswd
# Require username if specific, and use groupds if required or, Require valid-user
# for multiple users and less specific info
Require valid-user
# Groups
GroupName: username1 username2 username3 etc
# Requires
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/groupds
#Authentication notes:
# Username and password must be verified every time a request is done, even if loading
# the same page, and for every image on the page (if they come from a password protected
# folder. This slows down things and the slow down is proportional to the size of the
# password file, (open file, read file until this user / password). Once more than a few
# hundreds another authentication method should be consider (in manual also)
# the .htpasswd has: username:passowrd
# the password is encripted, to create a password use htpasswd utility that comes
# with apache (bin directory), Usage:
# htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords username
# For this to work, AllowOverride directive needs AuthConfig (AllowOverride AuthConfig)
# Not to ask the for the password in diferent directories, keep the realm the same
AuthName "Section Name - Password dialogo box text - and realm"
# Basic is supplied by mod_auth, and the password is sent unencrypted between browser
# and server, AuthType Digest is implement by mod_auth_digest and is more secure
# Only most recent versions of clients and know to support Digest authentication
AuthType Basic
# This file should be place somewhere not accessible from the web (cant be download)
# If large number of users exists, this can become quite slow, Apache has the ability
# to store user information in fast databases, check mod_auth_dbm
AuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpasswd
# Require username if specific, and use groupds if required or, Require valid-user
# for multiple users and less specific info
Require valid-user
# Groups
GroupName: username1 username2 username3 etc
# Requires
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/groupds
#Authentication notes:
# Username and password must be verified every time a request is done, even if loading
# the same page, and for every image on the page (if they come from a password protected
# folder. This slows down things and the slow down is proportional to the size of the
# password file, (open file, read file until this user / password). Once more than a few
# hundreds another authentication method should be consider (in manual also)
22 February 2010
Fábrica - Design Pattern
O padrão de desenho de software fábrica permite a criação de objectos sem especificar as classes exactas que criam esses objectos.
O exemplo abaixo simula uma situação em que temos um ou vários produtos. Cada produto pode ter um ou vários atributos, como cor ou tamanho. Começamos por definir uma class abstracta que lida com o objecto atributos tendo métodos mutadores e assessores e um método que lidara com a forma com os mesmo são colocados numa pagina em HTML. A cor devera ser estar disponível como um radio button e o tamanho como um select.
abstract class atributo
protected $nome;
protected $valores = array();
public function set_nome($nome)
$this->nome = $nome;
public function get_nome()
return $this->nome;
public function set_valores ($valores = array())
foreach($valores as $chave => $valor)
$this->valores[$chave] = $valor;
public function get_valores()
return $this->valores;
public function display() {}
class corAtributo extends atributo
public function display()
$html ='';
foreach($this->valores as $chave => $valor)
$html .= '<input type="radio" name="'.$this->nome.'" value="'.$valor.'">'.$valor;
return $html;
class tamanhoAtributo extends atributo
public function display()
$html ='<select name="'.$this->nome.'">';
foreach($this->valores as $chave => $valor)
$html .= '<option radio" value="'.$chave.'">'.$valor.'</option>';
$html .= "</select>";
return $html;
Para facilitar a escolha dos atributos vamos agora criar uma class fabrica:
class atributoFabrica
public static function criaAtributo($tipo)
$class = strtolower($tipo).'Atributo';
if (class_exists($class) && is_subclass_of($class, atributo))
return new $class;
throw new Exception("O tipo de atributo '$tipo' não tem class.");
O uso de todo este codigo e tao simples quanto:
$fabricaAtributos = new atributoFabrica();
$tamanho = $fabricaAtributos->criaAtributo('tamanho');
$tamanho->set_valores(array('2' => '2 metros', '4' => '4 Metros'));
$cor = $fabricaAtributos->criaAtributo('cor');
$cor->set_valores(array('verde' => 'verde', 'vermelho' => 'vermelho'));
echo '<p>Escolha o tamanho: '.$tamanho->display().'</p>';
echo '<p>Escolha a cor: '.$cor->display().'</p>';
01 February 2010
Padrões de desenho de software ou Padrões de projecto de software
Visto na necessidade de aprofundar e solidificar os meus conhecimentos sobre padrões de desenho de software ou padrões de projecto de software (design patterns) resolvi criar este Blog para poder partilhar, em português, algum do conhecimento sobre os padrões que mais tenho visto e utilizado.
Design patterns são solucões para problemas comum ou recorrentes em programação. Não se trata de ter um pedaço de código que podemos copiar e colar mas de descricões de solucões que pode ser aplicada em diversas situacões.
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